
The perfect phrase to sum up my social and political life philosophy, was that of a passive observer. I was a long time listener and now am becoming a first time contributor.

My name is Jody von Wahl, I’m a ‘mature’ undergraduate student at western studying sociology and political science. As interesting as the subjects may be, I understand that today’s undergrad degrees are merely glorified secondary school diplomas. Unless you intend to pursue a masters and further. Therefore I have chosen to become more active in my community and engage with the real world once again. This is a time to live! Rather than let life pass by holding my dreams by the hand.

This blog is a public record and account of life under modernity from an informed view on the ground. I’m not on the outside looking in or the inside looking out, I’m in the dead center looking around. My intention is not to fix anything or to point out what needs to be fixed. I only wish to think freely and out loud!!

I hope we can have a conversation
One Love!

2 Comments on “About”

  1. herb May 18, 2012 at 9:53 am #


    • Jvonwahl May 18, 2012 at 11:06 am #

      Thats cool, your totally free to do as you feel. I just hope you take some time to understand when its not really a troll.

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